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What is Type "B+C" Jadeite?

Type B+C Jadeite is a type of jadeite that has undergone both acid treatment (Type B) and polymer impregnation (Type C). This treatment process is used to enhance the color, translucency, and texture of the jadeite.

The acid treatment used for Type B removes any impurities on the surface of the stone, while the polymer impregnation used for Type C fills in any cracks or fissures and enhances the overall appearance of the jadeite. The result is a stone that is more translucent and has a brighter, more vivid color.

Type B+C jadeite is generally considered to be of lower quality than natural or untreated jadeite, but it is still widely used in the market due to its affordability and availability. It is important to note that the treatment history of jadeite should always be disclosed to the buyer to ensure transparency in the market.

If you are interested in purchasing jadeite, it is recommended to seek out a reputable dealer who can provide information on the quality, origin, and treatment history of the stone.

Copyright @ ARL Jade - Singapore Jade 


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